News Nº16 : Reinforcement of Security Measures at the Main Gates

In March, we continued with our plan to reinforce the security of the entrance to the Resort :

1. Employee Access

In recent weeks, we have asked the employees who entered through the pedestrian entrance to prove that they are actually working in the Resort. We had a transition and explanation period, in which we invited employees who did not have their PA Passport, to request it, in its absence we gave them a letter to be signed by the employer, certifying the employment. A few refused to provide proof of employment and had to call their employer to come pick them up at the main entrance and sign their employment letter.

This week, we are in the transition period with employees who enter by vehicle without a passport, as of Monday March 15, 2021, all employees who enter with a vehicle must have their PA Passport or a letter signed by their employer to enter the Resort. In addition, only the driver employed without a passport will be allowed to enter through vehicular lanes, the other passengers must go through the pedestrian filter and show their passport or employment letter.

We are also finishing the revalidation of all employees PA Passports with vehicular access, with which, employees who have not been revalidated by their employer, will not be able to enter until their employment in the Resort is verified.

2. Visitor Entry

Next week, we are going to cancel guests and suppliers registrations by phone as we have no way of checking whether the caller requesting access is indeed an owner or a resident. As of Monday, March 15, 2021, visitors and suppliers will have to be registered through the APP, otherwise, the person inviting them must come in person to the entrance to sign their visitor’s entrance. Therefore, we invite you to register as soon as possible in the APP:

However, as a temporary measure and for a limited time only, we will allow the registration of guests by WhatsApp, while people get used to using the APP. To register guests, you must send by WhatsApp to 984 879 60 33, the following information: Name and surname of the owner or residente, name and surname of the visitor, if he is a guest or supplier, time of the visit, address where he is going, as well as a photo of your PA Passport from both sides to verify that you are an owner or resident.

If you still do not have the APP, we recommend you register as soon as possible, since registration by WhatsApp is provisional, and with the APP you have the advantage that your visitors are pre-registered, they can enter through fast lane number 3 and you will receive a message when the QR code is scanned informing you that your visitor has access the resort.

Why are those measures necessary ?

They are logical measures, essential to improve the security of the Resort. It is normal and totally legal to request that someone who pretends to enter to work, demonstrate that he/she actually has a job within the Resort and that those who intend to give access to guests are indeed owners or residents. We all want to improve security, so it is essential to comply with some basic rules.

It is important to remember that Covenant is the only association that the rights to manage the entrance of the Resort and therefore we are the only ones to determine what the entrance procedures are, which are accepted by more than 80% of the owners and residents, who already enter with the PA Passport. The rules are designed to provide security to the community, they apply equally to everyone, without any type of discrimination and must be followed by each person who enters the Resort.

We also want to clarify that the security expenses of the main gate (including the extra expenses for anti-Covid measures) are paid 100% by Covenant members offering an important benefit to the entire community including those who do not contribute to Covenant .

Security is the most important asset that Puerto Aventuras offers, without it our lifestyle and the value of our properties would collapse, therefore, we are going to do everything necessary to preserve it.

We look forward to the collaboration of all owners and residents. If you have not done so yet, we invite you to process your PA Passport: and the APP for visitor entry :

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