Legal Matters

PA Covenant AC is the Official Residents´ Association of Puerto Aventuras. It is the only Association that has legal prerogative in Puerto Aventuras. Covenant has been chosen by the Developer as the only Official Residents´ Association of Puerto Aventuras (see Letter) for which it is recognized by the Authorities.

By having its official status, Covenant is the only association authorized to issue the certificate of no debt to transfer your property: Letter from the Notary that confirms it. Additionally, Covenant approval is needed to build in Puerto Aventuras. Covenant also has the rights to manage the main entrance of the resort, for which Covenant is the only indispensable Residents´ Association in Puerto Aventuras.

Without intention of fighting, it is important to clarify that the other residents’ association has been legally constituted, as is the case with any civil association, but it no longer has any legal power in Puerto Aventuras. In 2019, said association lost the recognition of the Developer (Official Authority within the Resort) and lost the recognition of the Authorities when it was excluded from the agreement between the Municipality of Solidaridad and the Developer. These are indisputable and fully proven facts as you can see in the links on this page, which shows that this association is not recognized by anyone other than its members.

Consequently, this association can only dictate rules for its members, who can decide to abide by them or not, but it does not have any authority to force anyone to do something they do not want. Its only right, like any citizen, is to report crimes to the authorities. Despite not having any recognition, from any authority, that association allows itself, in an abusive way, to give orders to the residents of our community, who sometimes are not even members of that association and to threaten them with sanctions that it does not have the legal right to apply.

Additionally, they assert in an abusive manner that no one can withdraw from that association when its statutes and the law of the United Mexican States say otherwise. Click here to check it.

Summary of Proofs : Covenant only Official Association in Puerto Aventuras : Proof Developer only Administrator of Puerto Aventuras : Proof Covenant only Association allowed to deliver the letter of No Debt to transfer the title of property : Proof The other association lost official recognition : Proof Right to resign from a civil association : Proof

These are clear and indisputable evidence, which makes it very clear that the only ones with legal prerogatives in Puerto Aventuras are the Developer and Covenant, no one else. So don’t be fooled by another association that pretends to rule the resort and threatens residents with measures that it does not have the legal power to apply.

Covenant Legal Documents : Covenant Document of Constitution Assembly Minutes of November 30, 2019

Legal Lawsuits

PA Covenant does not want to fight with anyone and has not spent a single peso on legal disputes. We do not have any legal issue with the Developer, nor against the other residents´ association and we want to continue on that path.

We are a peaceful association that represents the residents of Puerto Aventuras who want to live in peace and enjoy all the benefits that this magnificent place where we live offers.

We do not send negative emails to the community, nor do we publish destructive articles about our community in the press and we do not initiate lawsuits to fight but neither can we standby idly when the secretary of the other residents´ association voluntarily destroys the community’s security barriers and then refuses to pay the damages.

Legal lawsuit against Mr. Roko Salvador Izarra for destruction

The only legal lawsuit we have is a lawsuit against Mr. Roko Salvador Izarra, who, while occupying the position of secretary of the other residents’ association, repeatedly destroyed the security barriers at the entrance of the resort.

We request the reimbursement of the sum of 30,000 pesos to cover the costs of repairing the damages caused (broken barriers as well as the movement mechanism). Following the advice of his lawyer, who is also the lawyer of the association of which he was secretary, Mr. Izarra refused to pay the amount requested, for which we had no choice but to sue him. We clarify that this legal lawsuit will not cost Covenant a penny, since we have agreed with our lawyer that his fees will come exclusively from Mr. Izarra’s pocket upon losing the case.

The board of directors of the unrecognized association supports Mr. Roko Izarra, his then Secretary, for destroying the barriers that protect us!

We were greatly surprised that this action was approved by the board of directors of the other association, which defended the actions of its secretary and considered the trial against Mr. Izarra as an attack by the Developer and Covenant against said association. Click here to see how the board of directors of that association lied to defend its secretary.

Later, after understanding the generalized repudiation of the community towards the acts of vandalism of its secretary, that association backed down, affirming that the destructions were carried out in a personal capacity by its secretary, who was never suspended from office, despite the shameful image that he projected in the community and coincidentally has been defended by the lawyer of said association (with raises questions regarding the support of that association for the criminal actions of its secretary and about who pays the lawyer’s bill).

Mr. Roko Izarra sent a letter of apology in a personal capacity to the community, abusively using the media infrastructure of the association to which he belongs. That very insincere letter, made 2 years after the events, was motivated solely by the community’s rejection.

In addition, in that same statement he tried to deceive the community by falsely stating that he was winning the trial, when the Judicial District of Quintana Roo forces him to appear every Monday to sign, under threat of jail, to pay an economic guarantee deposit and keep a distance from the parties related to the litigation (Anexo 3. Juzgado Penal Q Roo Exp. 394/2019) while the investigation is closed.

During that same trial, Mr. Roko Izarra’s lawyer, who is the lawyer of the association of which he was secretary, was fined by the judge for misconduct during the trial. Click here to appreciate all the finesse of the lawyer from the other association who lies and insults the Judge …

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